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Launch of Humana Bluebox Health Plan

By Carlos Ramírez

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the importance of having solid and comprehensive health insurance. Now more than ever, people are seeking options that provide adequate coverage to protect them in case of any medical emergency at a moderate cost and with excellent coverage. That's why Bluebox Asesores, in partnership with the prepaid medical company Humana, is pleased to introduce its new health product. This new plan is designed to offer broad coverage at an affordable price, including an additional individual plan that works with international or IESS policies.

Humana is an insurance company backed by CONCLINA, which has been operating in Ecuador for 28 years. Over the years on the market it has been able to improve its network of medical agreements, develop a virtual platform that allows its members to review the status of their reimbursements, accept monthly payments, and schedule medical appointments.

This new health insurance product from Humana is a combination of plans designed to provide broad coverage at an affordable price. The policy has a coverage of $500,000, which means you can be confident that you will be covered in any medical emergency. Additionally, the policy includes a $5,000 plan that covers the deductible of the major medical expenses policy of $500,000. This allows you to have an extensive network of private healthcare providers nationwide through METRORED and external coverage in the country's top clinics.

Furthermore, Humana offers an additional plan with a coverage of $10,000 that can be combined with the IESS plan, Ecuador’s state health insurance that has limited availability of medical appointments and exams. Our private health insurance allows you to access multiple benefits and coverage options, making it an attractive and comprehensive choice for anyone who wants to be protected in any medical emergency.

The combination of plans offered by Humana allows users to have adequate coverage for their specific needs. Whether you are looking for comprehensive coverage for medical emergencies or a policy that covers your daily healthcare needs, Humana has the right solution for you. Our plans are tailored to your specific needs, which means you won't have to pay for coverage you don't need.

With our health insurance, you will have access to an extensive network of doctors and specialists across the country. This means you can receive high-quality medical care in the best clinics and hospitals in the region. Additionally, our health insurance provides you with the peace of mind of knowing that you will be covered in any medical emergency, no matter where you are.

One of the most important factors to highlight about this product is that only Bluebox Asesores is authorized for its nationwide distribution and has included a dental benefit that you won't find in other health policies. These health policies have been generated based on the medical needs of naturalized foreigners in Ecuador who are looking for a health option that fulfills what is offered in the contract, with advice in their language. Our advisory service is free and allows you to have your documents submitted through

our broker for the reimbursement of your medical expenses.

In summary, the new Humana health insurance is a combination of plans designed to provide broad coverage at an affordable price. With a coverage of $500,000, our health insurance provides you with the peace of mind of knowing that you will be protected in any medical emergency. Additionally, our plans are tailored to your specific needs, which means you won't have to pay for coverage you don't need.

With access to an extensive network of doctors and specialists across the country, our health insurance is the right solution for anyone who wants to be protected in any medical emergency in Ecuador. Don't wait any longer and secure your well-being and

that of your family with Humana health insurance.

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